The Public Insurance Adjuster is a representative for the claimant in the insurance claim. Claiming insurance with Public Adjusters typically gets significantly better compensation from insurance claims than those who try to go it alone.
The role of a Public Insurance Adjuster will be to collect and review all of the information that is necessary for the insurance company to reach a conclusion as to whether or not the claimant’s claim has merit. The adjuster will review and investigate the facts of each claim, and if the case is eligible for payout will contact the insurance company to begin the process of sending out payments. When this process is complete the adjuster will give the client a written decision on the merits of the insurance claim.
Most insurance companies do not like to admit mistakes in their processing of claims, and Public Adjusters is training to make sure that the claims process is done correctly. A claim cannot be accepted on merit if a claim adjuster has determined otherwise. If you have been the victim of a claim that was denied by an adjuster, you should contact a lawyer who specializes in handling insurance claims to help you recover from the loss.
A good lawyer can help you obtain compensation from your adjuster for the losses you incurred because of the denial of your claim. If the company is willing to settle out of court for less than the full value of your loss, then the adjuster may be willing to do the same for less.
One important fact that most people do not know about claim payouts is that even if your claim is rejected you may not get any payments from the insurance company. It may be possible to obtain payment if you decide to proceed with a lawsuit against the company, however, most cases do not result in compensation unless a claim is successfully brought forward.
The best way to handle this type of situation is to hire a legal representative to help represent you during the claim process. If your claim is denied, and you do not have any type of attorney to help represent you then you will be left on your own to try to come up with an amount of money to compensate your claim and the fees associated with your attorney. This could prove to be very time consuming and expensive.